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Woodlawn Collies

Genetically Health Tested Collies

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Available Pet Puppies and Adults for Sale

CEA Normal Eyed

Looking for a healthy pet collie? Woodlawn Collies provide genetically health tested collies from adults tested for CEA, MDR1, DM, CN, PRA, HUU and DMS. Our adults are shown in conformation, obedience, rally, agility and have their herding instinct tested. We provide detailed descriptions of puppy temperaments and our puppies are raised with puppy culture.


Our adults go through conformation training occasionally starting at the age of 8 weeks. They are AKC, IABCA and ASDR pointed toward their champion titles.



Many of our adults know basic obedience commands. We have adults that have won in obedience shows and they have gone through years of training with us.



Our adults come from backgrounds in herding and many of our puppies work livestock. Some of our adults passed their herding instinct test and many enjoy playing with a flirt pole.



I have been grooming collies since 2011 and our adults receive regular monthly grooming. I also groom some of our previous puppies.

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We have been raising collies since 2011 and are always looking for ways to improve in our breeding program. We love receiving updates on how our puppies adjust to their new homes and we support our puppy families.

Mary & Marisa Wagaman

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Contact Me

For more information about available puppies or adults please contact.

Minnesota, USA


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